Welcome to the EmbedWorkflow Developer API! This API will allow you to access our backend directly through our number of interfaces.
The Embed Workflow API is a REST API client. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
Getting started
You can use the Embed Workflow API using HTTP or via one of our client libraries.
Do not see the client library you need? We are actively building more. Let us know which ones you'd benefit from using!
The Embed Workflow API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in the Embed Workflow dashboard.
There are two types of keys per environment: publishable key (pkey
) and secret key (skey
To access the test environment, use the keys prefixed: pk_test
and sk_test
To access the production environment, use the keys prefixed: pk_live
and sk_live
Keys must be kept secure. The publishable key is intended to be used in client-side code. Do not expose your secret key on GitHub, client-side, and so forth.
Getting set up is easy. First, login into your account and find your API Tokens in your profile settings. It will grant you access to the API.
Response format
Responses are always JSON. This applies to all of our APIs.
All of our list
methods accept at least these two parameters: starting_after
and ending_before
. These endpoints all return chronologically reversed.
Set starting_after
with an object's id to receive a page of older objects immediately following the named object.
Set ending_before
with an object's id to receive a page of newer objects immediately before the named object.
Objects on a page always appear in reverse chronological order.
Only one of starting_after
or ending_before
may be used.
For all POST endpoints, you can pass an idempotency key as a header.
- keys are only valid for 24 hours
- keys are scoped for a specific path
- you can prevent expiration of a key if you prepend the key with "life-"
--header 'Idempotency-Key: YOUR_KEY_HERE'
Expanding Resources
A response may contain a unique identifier of a related object. If the property is "expandable," then you can pass that field name to expand[]
to receive the entire object. For example, a Workflow might have an associated event_trigger
. Unexpanded, it will equal a string. But expanding it will return the entire object, including the id, event, etc.
-d "expand[]"="event_trigger" \
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{ "event_trigger": { "id": "abc123", "event": "form_submission", ... }, }
Think of workflows as the template. The template decides how and when things should execute. Our Workflows API allows you to manage your workflow.
The workflow object
Attribute | Description | Type |
id | Unique identifier | string |
key | Human-friendly user-scoped unique identifier | string |
name | Human-friendly label | string |
template_status | Draft or Published | string |
created_at | Created local timestamp | datetime |
created_at_utc | Created UTC timestamp | datetime |
created_at_string | Created local time string | string |
updated_at | Last updated local timestamp | datetime |
updated_at_utc | Last updated UTC timestamp | datetime |
updated_at_string | Last updated local time string | string |
last_published_at | Last published local timestamp | datetime |
last_published_at_utc | Last published UTC timestamp | datetime |
last_published_at_string | Last published local time string | string |
executions_count | The number of times this workflow has been executed | integer |
actions_count | The number of actions this workflow has | integer |
template | Hash defining the action orchestration | hash |
template_draft | Hash defining the action orchestration | hash |
stats | Metrics for each action in the template | hash |
event_trigger | The workflow's published trigger | string (expandable) |
event_trigger_draft | The workflow's unpublished trigger | string (expandable) |
stop_event | The workflow's published stop event | string |
stop_event_draft | The workflow's unpublished stop event | string |
trigger_conditions | Hash defining the published trigger conditions | hash |
trigger_conditions_draft | Hash defining the unpublished trigger conditions | hash |
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{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 3, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": null, "executions_count": 0, "key": "my_first_workflow", "name": "My First Workflow", "stats": {}, "stop_event": null, "template": { "nodes": [], "edges": [], }, "template_status": "draft", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z", "updated_at_string": "Dec 29, 2023 06:08 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z" }
The workflow template object
Attribute | Description | Type |
edges | Array of Edge 's | array |
nodes | Array of Node 's. | array |
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{ "template": { "nodes": [ { "id": "a", "name": "Wait 2 hours", "type": "Delay", "delay_n": 2, "delay_unit": "hour" }, { "id": "b", "name": "Webhook 1", "type": "Webhook", "url": "https://domain.com/webhook_example_1", "headers": "X-Custom-Header: my_value", "params": "one: 1\ntwo: 2" }, { "id": "c", "name": "Webhook 2", "type": "Webhook", "url": "https://domain.com/webhook_example_2", "headers": "X-Custom-Header: my_value", "params": "one: 1\ntwo: 2" }, { "id": "start_of_workflow", "name": "Start Workflow", "type": "Start" } ], "edges": [ "a-b", "a-c", "start_of_workflow-a" ], "width": 1500, "height": 1200, "positions": { "start_of_workflow": { "x": 450, "y": 0 }, "a": { "x": 450, "y": 300 }, "b": { "x": 200, "y": 600 }, "c": { "x": 700, "y": 600 } } } }
The edge string
An Edge
describes a connection between two nodes. The Edge
is represented as a string
where two node IDs are joined by a -
An Edge
joining a Node
with an ID of 123
and a Node
with an ID of 456
would result in an Edge
of 123-456
The node object
Attribute | Description | Type |
id | Unique identifier | string |
name | Human-friendly label describing the action | string |
type | A valid node type | string |
... | see below for additional node type attributes |
Node types
Type | Description |
Delay | Wait for a duration |
Webhook | Any outbound HTTP request |
Additional node attributes by type
Delay attributes
Attribute | Description | Type |
delay_n | Number value of the delay | integer |
delay_unit | sec, min, hour, day, week, month, year | string |
minute_of_day | Minute of day. e.g. 570 for 9:30 AM | number |
minute_of_day is only used for durations of day and longer. Also, the minute of the day will be set in the configured time zone.
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{ "id": "ABC987", "name": "Wait 2 days", "type": "Delay", "delay_n": 2, "delay_unit": "day", "minute_of_day": 570, }
Webhook attributes
Attribute | Description | Type |
url | Endpoint URL | string |
headers | Request headers. E.g. "X-Custom-Header: my_value" | string |
params | Request body. E.g. "one: 1\ntwo: 2" | string |
Each line in params and headers represent a key-value pair.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
{ "id": "67890", "name": "Webhook Notification", "type": "Webhook", "url": "https://domain.com/webhook_example", "headers": "X-Custom-Header: my_value", "params": "one: 1\ntwo: 2" }
Create a workflow
Create a new workflow.
POST https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows
Human-friendly string
describing the workflow.
A workflow template object is a structured hash
of the following key-value pairs: edges
and nodes
. The Node object contains the action's attributes including a unique id
. An Edge string is a string of two action ID's joined by a string (1-2
, actionA-actionB
The user_key string
determines which user this workflow should be scoped to and what data should be used. The default value is main
, however, that is the admin user.
Workflow by default the boolean
will be true. You can disable this behavior so form submissions do not kick off the execution actions and wait for a manual start.
A string
of one of the account's pre-configured event triggers.
A string
of one of the account's pre-configured stop events.
Hash defining the trigger conditions
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{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 3, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": null, "executions_count": 0, "key": "my_first_workflow", "name": "My First Workflow", "stats": {}, "stop_event": null, "template": { "nodes": [ { "id": "a", "name": "Wait 2 hours", "type": "Delay", "delay_n": 2, "delay_unit": "hour" }, { "id": "b", "name": "Webhook 1", "type": "Webhook", "url": "https://domain.com/webhook_example_1", "headers": "X-Custom-Header: my_value", "params": "one: 1\ntwo: 2" }, { "id": "c", "name": "Webhook 2", "type": "Webhook", "url": "https://domain.com/webhook_example_2", "headers": "X-Custom-Header: my_value", "params": "one: 1\ntwo: 2" }, { "id": "start_of_workflow", "name": "Start Workflow", "type": "Start" } ], "edges": [ "a-b", "a-c", "start_of_workflow-a" ], "width": 1500, "height": 1200, "positions": { "start_of_workflow": { "x": 450, "y": 0 }, "a": { "x": 450, "y": 300 }, "b": { "x": 200, "y": 600 }, "c": { "x": 700, "y": 600 } } }, "template_status": "draft", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z", "updated_at_string": "Dec 29, 2023 06:08 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z" }
Fetch a workflow
Fetch a specific workflow.
GET https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows/:id
This string
is defaulted to 'id'. Alternatively, you can you set it's value to 'key' and use the workflow's key (e.g. my_first_workflow).
This string
is defaulted to 'main'.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 3, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": null, "executions_count": 0, "key": "my_first_workflow", "name": "My First Workflow", "stats": {}, "stop_event": null, "template": {...}, "template_status": "draft", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z", "updated_at_string": "Dec 29, 2023 06:08 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2023-12-29T18:08:10Z" }
Update a workflow
Update a workflow.
PUT https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows/:id
Human-friendly string
describing the workflow.
Human-friendly unique string
identifier scoped per user.
A workflow template object is a structured hash
of the following key-value pairs: edges
and nodes
. The Node object contains the action's attributes including a unique id
. An Edge string is a string of two action ID's joined by a string (1-2
, actionA-actionB
The user_key string
determines which user this workflow should be scoped to and what data should be used. The default value is main
, however, that is the admin user.
Workflow by default the boolean
will be true. You can disable this behavior so form submissions do not kick off the execution actions and wait for a manual start.
A string
either 'published' or 'draft'.
A string
of one of the account's pre-configured event triggers.
A string
of one of the account's pre-configured stop events.
Hash defining the trigger conditions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 0, "auto_start": true, "executions_count": 0, "name": "Updated Name", "tenant_key": "default", "updated_at": "2022-08-21T19:09:59Z" }
Delete a workflow
Delete a workflow.
DELETE https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows/:id
No parameters
1 2 3
{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12" }
List all workflows
List your workflows.
GET https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows
A cursor for pagination. starting_after
is an object id
that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 25 objects, ending with 123abc, your subsequent call can include starting_after=123abc to fetch the next page of the list.
A cursor for pagination. ending_before
is an object id
that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 25 objects, starting with 123abc, your subsequent call can include ending_before=123abc to fetch the previous page of the list.
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{ "collection": [ { "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 1, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": "new_user", "executions_count": 2, "key": "new_user", "name": "New User", "stop_event": null, "template_status": "published", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2024-02-03T18:53:31Z", "updated_at_string": "Feb 03, 2024 06:53 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2024-02-03T18:53:31Z" }, ], "meta": { "page_limit": 25, "has_next_page": false, "has_previous_page": false } }
Execute a workflow
Execute a given workflow
POST https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows/:id/execute
The id_type is either key
or id
. The default value is id
The user key you want to scope the workflows to. The default value is the user you authenticated as which is most likely the main
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for referencing your actions. First template data is applied, followed by execution data, and finally the form data. If all three define name
, the form's name
value will be used.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 1, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": "new_user", "executions_count": 0, "key": "new_user", "name": "New User!", "stop_event": null, "template_status": "draft", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2024-02-04T16:33:20Z", "updated_at_string": "Feb 04, 2024 04:33 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2024-02-04T16:33:20Z" }
Clone a workflow
Clone a given workflow
POST https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/workflows/:id/clone
No parameters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
{ "id": "0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12", "actions_count": 1, "auto_start": true, "event_trigger": "new_user", "executions_count": 0, "key": "new_user_682", "name": "New User", "stop_event": null, "template_status": "draft", "trigger_conditions": {}, "updated_at": "2024-02-04T16:50:29Z", "updated_at_string": "Feb 04, 2024 04:50 pm UTC", "updated_at_utc": "2024-02-04T16:50:29Z" }
The trigger endpoint allows you to execute workflows by triggering an event, specific workflows, or all of them.
Trigger workflows
Trigger workflows to create executions.
POST https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/trigger
The event name you want to trigger
Set to true (boolean
) if you want to execute all of a given user's workflows. The default value is false
A comma-separated string
of workflow_id
's. E.g. 0194090d-3b19-78d3-9882-b1283a5f4e12,2134090e-3b19-78d5-4812-b1283a5f4e44
A comma-separated string
of workflow_key
's. E.g. onboarding,new_lead
The user key you want to scope the workflows to. The default value is the user you authenticated as which is most likely the main
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for referencing your actions. First template data is applied, followed by execution data, and finally the form data. If all three define name
, the form's name
value will be used.
Executions are running workflows.
The execution object
Reference the workflow object.
Stop executions. This is useful and dependent on your account settings stop_events
. When an account has stop_events
(i.e. new_lead
, signed_up
, is_inactive
) defined then your end-user will have a drop down selector in their workflow start node. These endpoint allows you to halt executions for a given stop_event
and user_key
. You can optional filter further key/value pairs you expect in the execution.
POST https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/executions/stop
The stop event name.
The user key you want to scope the workflows to. The default value is the user you authenticated as which is most likely the main
Set of key-value pairs that must match in the execution.
Embed Workflow users are your workflow creators. Typically, they are your application's users. Users can be auto-discovered when you load the UI, so there is no need to create users ahead of time.
Attribute | Description | Type |
key | Client created unique identifier | |
id | Auto-generated unique identifier | string |
Optional email address | string | |
name | Display name | string |
config | User configuration | hash |
config[primary_color] | Branding primary color | string |
config[logo_url] | Branding logo URL | string |
config[user_data] | Custom user data used in workflows | hash |
user_data_schema | User data schema with mapped values | array of objects (DataType) |
created_at | Created at timestamp in configured timezone | datetime |
created_at_utc | Created at timestamp in UTC | datetime |
created_at_string | Created at timestamp in configured timezone as formatted string | string |
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{ "key": "main", "object": "user", "id": "019409cc-f708-77ce-a9a2-d82037f474fb", "name": "Embed Workflow", "created_at": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "created_at_string": "Dec 27, 2024 08:26 pm UTC", "created_at_utc": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "email": "no-reply+n1e70yi1awjnwhx732f9oqpf@embedworkflow.com", "groups": ["admin"], "config": { "primary_color": null, "logo_url": null, "user_data": {} }, "user_data_schema": [] }
Upsert a user
Create or update a user. Only the attributes provided will be updated.
PUT https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/users/:key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
{ "key": "user-1", "object": "user", "id": "019409cc-f708-77ce-a9a2-d82037f474fb", "name": "Updated Name", "created_at": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "created_at_string": "Dec 27, 2024 08:26 pm UTC", "created_at_utc": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "email": "no-reply+n1e70yi1awjnwhx732f9oqpf@embedworkflow.com", "groups": ["admin"], "config": { "primary_color": null, "logo_url": null, "user_data": { "places": [ { "label": "Place ABC", "value": 54321 }, { "label": "Place DEF", "value": 12345 } ], "foo": "bar" } }, "user_data_schema": [] }
Fetch a user
Use this endpoint to load a user.
GET https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/users/:key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ "key": "main", "object": "user", "id": "019409cc-f708-77ce-a9a2-d82037f474fb", "name": "Embed Workflow", "created_at": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "created_at_string": "Dec 27, 2024 08:26 pm UTC", "created_at_utc": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "email": "no-reply+n1e70yi1awjnwhx732f9oqpf@embedworkflow.com", "groups": ["admin"], "config": { "primary_color": null, "logo_url": null, "user_data": {} }, "user_data_schema": [] }
Delete a user
Use this endpoint to delete a user.
DELETE https://embedworkflow.com/api/v1/users/:key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ "key": "ARCHIVED__user-abc", "object": "user", "id": "019409cc-f708-77ce-a9a2-d82037f474fb", "name": "Embed Workflow", "created_at": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "created_at_string": "Dec 27, 2024 08:26 pm UTC", "created_at_utc": "2024-12-27T20:26:55Z", "email": "no-reply+n1e70yi1awjnwhx732f9oqpf@embedworkflow.com", "groups": ["admin"], "config": { "primary_color": null, "logo_url": null, "user_data": {} }, "user_data_schema": [] }